Today everything is communication. Bernstein is an international provider of creative communication and brand consulting for todays connected world. We believe communication should always be simple, exciting, and business-relevant. Or, in short: Communication should always be Fucking Delicious. The focus of our work is creating exactly that.

Standorte: Bremen
Kompetenzen: Branding / Marke, Design, Klassisches Marketing, Media, Social Media, Werbung, Mobile / Apps, Video / Bewegtbild, Web, PR / Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Ausrichtung: B2C-Kommunikation, B2B-Kommunikation
Kunden: u.a. Bayer AG, Berentzen, comdirect, Mio Mio, mittwald, RENK, SCHULZ Systemtechnik, VBW Bochum, vrame
Gründung: 2009
Ansprechpartner: Dirk Assent
E-Mail: [email protected]
Telefon: 0421 339160

Ansprech partnerin
Jennifer Vetter
Projekt- und Mitgliedermanagement
Telefon: 0173-3409149
Mail: [email protected]